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USTCI Awards
Dun N Dusted Rubbish Removals
Here at Dun N Dusted Rubbish Removals we are always striving to be our best and achieve the highest of standards in the work we carry out for our customers in the Sunderland and surrounding areas. We have now received an award from The US Trade & Commerce Institute (USTCI) for our standards of excellence within our sector.
Who are USTCI?
The US Trade & Commerce Institute (USTCI) are a recognised leading authority on evaluating and researching companies across a wide spectrum of industries ensuring they are delivering excellence to the highest standards for their customers. They review companies both locally and globally with particular focus on achieving and exceeding their industry benchmarks in customer service, product quality and ethical practices.
To find out more about USTCI please visit there website
Please find our award certificate and trophy from The US Trade & Commerce Institute.